The girl trusted him, and the guy took advantage of this trust, filming his girlfriend's pretty boobies on camera! Tags:sexy up blouse, woman down blouse
Cristhian ( 10 years ago )
Lovely pictures, you caueprtd every day life quite well ^^ I agree, why must people in romance movies always be beautiful, it wouldn't hurt us to see normal people falling in love. You pictures make me want to get over my fears of going out in public and taking pictures of random people/things. I feel weird taking pictures of people without permission. These kind of posts are inspiring ^^
Kamaluddeen ( 10 years ago )
ugh. i think these things are so siputd . it's ridiculous nasty .. i feel lucky that i don't really have any acne problems yet. :l but i take care of my skin, so yeah not worried
Text comments (2)
Lovely pictures, you caueprtd every day life quite well ^^ I agree, why must people in romance movies always be beautiful, it wouldn't hurt us to see normal people falling in love. You pictures make me want to get over my fears of going out in public and taking pictures of random people/things. I feel weird taking pictures of people without permission. These kind of posts are inspiring ^^
ugh. i think these things are so siputd . it's ridiculous nasty .. i feel lucky that i don't really have any acne problems yet. :l but i take care of my skin, so yeah not worried