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Why are there so many videos featuring latin chicks exposing their chi-chi in some life program? Can they do it on purpose?
Tags: real downblouse, sexy downblouse
4 votes 408 views

Text comments (4)

Alix ( 10 years ago )
Lovely pictures, you caturped every day life quite well ^^  I agree, why must people in romance movies always be beautiful, it wouldn't hurt us to see normal people falling in love.  You pictures make me want to get over my fears of going out in public and taking pictures of random people/things.  I feel weird taking pictures of people without permission.  These kind of posts are inspiring ^^
Jonaikel ( 10 years ago )
hey bro, thanks for the cotemnms, was about to consult u for shooting advices. will keep that in mind.the boyfriend with the girl in green next to the poster. don't worry, he thinks i'm taking shots of the poster. was waiting for the girl to turn around.concur on the more daring part. right now only dare to take pics of their backs. will be working on how to take them at the front with their facial expressions.
Badbug ( 15 years ago )
luv to watch
Badbug ( 15 years ago )
like it

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