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upskirt movie

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The babe in flowered dress pleasingly examines the bright trifles in the market and gets her upskirt examined by our hunter.
Tags: girls upskirts, up skirt oops pictures
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Text comments (5)

Anita ( 9 years ago )
You are very welcome!   I just found that oiipnon so wrong! How can one find something insulting in a body? It is all you have, it carries you through so many difficult spots in life and they hide it. And for porn and sexuality, why should it be so wrong? They were concieved that way, does it make their existence insulting? I would hope not! Instead of explaining to kids this is who we are and itb4s nothing vulgar, they act as nudity is indecent and they  protect  them from it  and then, they wonder why is it their kid who hates his/her body, is ashamed of it and is afraid to ask questions about sex  how does it end? not so well  :/ and I should know, I was not a long ago teenager who could not change clothes in front of other kids  itb4s sad really
Louinise ( 10 years ago )
sorry for late reply! most of our videos are back! but if you're itesretned in that popular fratpad dance one, we're yet to find a good platform to upload it  maybe dailymotion would work
Luca ( 10 years ago )
Nice to read your comments, I've been a fan since the days when you were in Penn.I am 69 and in my day, evnroyee had a separate outfit for PE, and had to shower afterwards.  The ones who didn't dress had to have a note from parents or person of responsibiltiy.Things seem to be very different now in our schools!
Samanta ( 10 years ago )
Melissa,I just found your site for the first time. This is the first article of yours that I have read, and am 100% in agrmeeent. I am not a female, wait , let me check. Yep, I am male (I thought that was cute) so I have different issues regarding nudism. I am currently writing a research paper on body acceptance for college, and will be cruising through your archives for good material. I will ask before borrowing anything. Who knows, maybe you will use some of my matrial.Douglas
Anonounsedype ( 12 years ago )
Mo?e? co????b ??? ?a? ?? ???e??e? ko?????? ?o???o Ba??x ?o?e???a?b??x k??????? ?e????bko ?ec??k?? ????? ? ?e????? ?y??? ICQ: 6288862 Skype: prodawez389

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