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Nude fem and males get suntanned on beach

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The nude females and males are getting suntanned on the beach giving to our hunter the great opportunity to voyeur them
Tags: nude
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Text comments (3)

Karri ( 12 years ago )
Based on your unlikely asiotrsen that words actually have meaning, you can look forward to constantly explaining what you're saying to some few accustomed to using terms incorrectly to suit their purposes rather than choosing words appropriate to the circumstances..For example, by insisting that the term  naturism' actually has defined usages and meaning, you deny some folks the opportunity to use it to describe whatever they feel should be considered  naturist'.  Some will find that to be intolerant and narrow-minded, bogged down in irrelevancy, and prejudicial towards those who see things differently.   How dare you use the commonly accepted definitions of naturism to limit the indiscriminate use of the term  naturism'?.We can say from experience that the use of words as they are meant to be used has caused us some problems with more than a few people in the past; welcome to the club!.Should you further shun political correctness and relay the reality of a situation instead of a sanitized version of events, you'll be in even more trouble!  It's much easier to find a good, acceptable milquetoast source and simply spin off a version under your own title, as many are wont to do.  Safer, too.    .Good luck!  But you might want to reconsider this radical  words have meaning' philosophy, it can be confusing to some folks;  it requires thinking.
Mike ( 12 years ago )
If any body wants to sext, boys and girls, then feel free to send your numbers! I can't send or reiecve pics, sorry. But we'll still have lotsa sexy fun!
Victoria ( 12 years ago )
sorry for late reply! most of our videos are back! but if you're itteresned in that popular fratpad dance one, we're yet to find a good platform to upload it  maybe dailymotion would work

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