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Asian in top and bra deep downblouse shot

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Asian cutie is wearing a top and the bra but her deep downblouse shot on the cam still looks very exciting
Tags: deep downblouse
6 votes 74 views

Text comments (2)

Muhammad ( 10 years ago )
So the article is baillascy in a sarcastic tone   I must say, great way of presenting the article David ! Perfect ! NSFW pictures would actually keep some of the visitors in the blog (those who like such stuff)  but the blog itself would lost all the respect it could have achieved. And of course, long posts with text surfing down without any picture or video would be boring and force the readers to hit the  close' button.Once again, great article !Mushfique recently posted..
Natali ( 10 years ago )
Not interested in steret photog myself, but glad to see you are. Anyway, I think you can be more daring, in terms of both composition and subject. Most of your pics above look like snapshots ninja-style. I like the construction worker ones though.I notice one boyfriend staring at you for taking photos of his girlfriend haha. Watch out for ah bengs, not even the storm trooper armour can prevent ah beng's sharp combs.

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