Nillon ( 10 years ago )
America's increasing prerudy is, to a large extent, the result of decades of sexual harassment training, legislation, and litigation, as well as the well-funded diversity industry.Nude or sexually provocative calendars, statues, and artwork are all deemed to create a hostile workplace for women and therefore inappropriate; while the Bush-era Justice Department was ridiculed for covering up nude neo-classical statues, they did so in partially response to complaints from female employees and women's groups who found the statues hostile and degrading, and who threatened to complain to the EEOC. Every few years, one or more nude beaches in California is temporarily closed and/or subjected to police sweeps in order to assuage female park rangers and maintenance workers who complain that the rampant nudity creates a hostile workplace. Reassigning complaining workers to non-nude beaches could be construed as unlawful retaliation, i.e., changing a worker's job-site or working conditions after they complained of conduct they believed to be inappropriate. So, local law enforcement or federal park rangers are summoned to hand out a few tickets. The goal is not to end nudity, merely to show that the employer Did Something to address the worker's complaints about nudity.Female jail and prison guards have successfully sued their employers after they were offended by (male or, in one case, female) prisoners taking nude showers in the shower room, disrobing when ordered to for searches, masturbating in their cells, or using inappropriate language. Apparently, prisons are expected to ensure that inmates refrain from using racist, sexist, ableist, ageist, homophobic, or obscene language where female guards can hear it and feel unwelcome. Womyn's groups insist that female prison guards be afforded the same politically-correct, emotionally supportive working conditions as female academics and professionals.The courts have also ruled that employers have an obligation to ensure that customers and third-party vendors do not engage in conduct that creates a hostile workplace for female staff. Women have successfully sued on the grounds that the presence of scantily-clad beach-goers was degrading" to women, that their employer's beer ads featured scantily clad women undermined their authority in the workplace, etc.
Run ( 10 years ago )
A huge shout out of thanks to the AANR mebrems who volunteer their time, energy, and skills to lobby on the hill. Their contributions are huge and give my AANR mebremship more value.As a member I value and appreciate the time they spend away from their families, jobs and other priorities. The fact that they are prioritizing their volunteer time to be in DC this week to promote and preserve nude recreation will impact AANR and AANR mebrems in many ways.Lobbying legislators is intimidating to many nudists. These particular volunteers truly are deserving of special acknowledgement and thanks. I can’t wait to read all about the lobbying in the Bulletin.Thank you,Shirley Gauthier
Anthony ( 10 years ago )
Well, you don't want the child to equate the towel with puhmenisnt. I think perhaps a reward system of some kind for when they use the towel properly, and maybe no TV or something similar when they don't. -5Was this answer helpful?
Daniel ( 10 years ago )
Children are definitely nataurl nudists. Most children when they see others having a great time, they want to join in so the clothing becomes a non issue.When they get a bit older, however, into their early teens some will become body conscious as their bodies are changing and peer pressure becomes important to them. Thus, even if they group up their entire lives as nudists, they now wish to flaunt tan lines like everyone else. It's ok. This too shall pass. An idea for a co-worker or family member is to mail them a brochure of an organization or a club anonymously. See how they react to that!Or simply be upfront and explain it to them. I recall when I told my father, who was in his 60 s for the first time. I was waiting for a response of how could you that and to my surprise he said come I come there? I've always wanted to tan my entire body. Now, how cool is that! I grew up in a very conservative family atmosphere. +13
Aid ( 10 years ago )
I know one family with a yoestngur who would forget about the towel-rule, so sometimes they'd put him in underwear just to not have to worry about it. When kids are little I think everyone should be a little forgiving about that when they are running around in a naturist setting. That's my only input! -5Was this answer helpful?
Margaret ( 10 years ago )
Actions speak louder than words, and the fact that the older brohetr skinnydips with his family speaks volumes. He's not a typical nudist teen dropout, then.Of course in the bubble universe that this reporter portrayed, I feel like I'm watching the ONLY nudist family in the world. There doesn't seem to be any reference to the youth director (who happens to be on my facebook if not on the news), nor are there references to other nudist teens or youth activity outside the family.And what's up with not interviewing the daughter? Or was she Alex's playmate?I've talked to many nudist kids, and I'm also sorry to say that Alex isn't particularly insightful, he's just a regular kid. Does he excel in any particular subject? Does he have any special talents? Guess we'll never know from this report.Most nudist kids I know are extremely creative, have a well developed sense of humor and can read body language. They can look at a naturist photo and a Playboy photo and tell you the difference in what that image conveys. But there is no sign of that anywhere in the broadcast. People are so concerned that nudist kids lose something by living outside of the textile world, but why don't we show them what they gain?
Text comments (6)
America's increasing prerudy is, to a large extent, the result of decades of sexual harassment training, legislation, and litigation, as well as the well-funded diversity industry.Nude or sexually provocative calendars, statues, and artwork are all deemed to create a hostile workplace for women and therefore inappropriate; while the Bush-era Justice Department was ridiculed for covering up nude neo-classical statues, they did so in partially response to complaints from female employees and women's groups who found the statues hostile and degrading, and who threatened to complain to the EEOC. Every few years, one or more nude beaches in California is temporarily closed and/or subjected to police sweeps in order to assuage female park rangers and maintenance workers who complain that the rampant nudity creates a hostile workplace. Reassigning complaining workers to non-nude beaches could be construed as unlawful retaliation, i.e., changing a worker's job-site or working conditions after they complained of conduct they believed to be inappropriate. So, local law enforcement or federal park rangers are summoned to hand out a few tickets. The goal is not to end nudity, merely to show that the employer Did Something to address the worker's complaints about nudity.Female jail and prison guards have successfully sued their employers after they were offended by (male or, in one case, female) prisoners taking nude showers in the shower room, disrobing when ordered to for searches, masturbating in their cells, or using inappropriate language. Apparently, prisons are expected to ensure that inmates refrain from using racist, sexist, ableist, ageist, homophobic, or obscene language where female guards can hear it and feel unwelcome. Womyn's groups insist that female prison guards be afforded the same politically-correct, emotionally supportive working conditions as female academics and professionals.The courts have also ruled that employers have an obligation to ensure that customers and third-party vendors do not engage in conduct that creates a hostile workplace for female staff. Women have successfully sued on the grounds that the presence of scantily-clad beach-goers was degrading" to women, that their employer's beer ads featured scantily clad women undermined their authority in the workplace, etc.
A huge shout out of thanks to the AANR mebrems who volunteer their time, energy, and skills to lobby on the hill. Their contributions are huge and give my AANR mebremship more value.As a member I value and appreciate the time they spend away from their families, jobs and other priorities. The fact that they are prioritizing their volunteer time to be in DC this week to promote and preserve nude recreation will impact AANR and AANR mebrems in many ways.Lobbying legislators is intimidating to many nudists. These particular volunteers truly are deserving of special acknowledgement and thanks. I can’t wait to read all about the lobbying in the Bulletin.Thank you,Shirley Gauthier
Well, you don't want the child to equate the towel with puhmenisnt. I think perhaps a reward system of some kind for when they use the towel properly, and maybe no TV or something similar when they don't. -5Was this answer helpful?
Children are definitely nataurl nudists. Most children when they see others having a great time, they want to join in so the clothing becomes a non issue.When they get a bit older, however, into their early teens some will become body conscious as their bodies are changing and peer pressure becomes important to them. Thus, even if they group up their entire lives as nudists, they now wish to flaunt tan lines like everyone else. It's ok. This too shall pass. An idea for a co-worker or family member is to mail them a brochure of an organization or a club anonymously. See how they react to that!Or simply be upfront and explain it to them. I recall when I told my father, who was in his 60 s for the first time. I was waiting for a response of how could you that and to my surprise he said come I come there? I've always wanted to tan my entire body. Now, how cool is that! I grew up in a very conservative family atmosphere. +13
I know one family with a yoestngur who would forget about the towel-rule, so sometimes they'd put him in underwear just to not have to worry about it. When kids are little I think everyone should be a little forgiving about that when they are running around in a naturist setting. That's my only input! -5Was this answer helpful?
Actions speak louder than words, and the fact that the older brohetr skinnydips with his family speaks volumes. He's not a typical nudist teen dropout, then.Of course in the bubble universe that this reporter portrayed, I feel like I'm watching the ONLY nudist family in the world. There doesn't seem to be any reference to the youth director (who happens to be on my facebook if not on the news), nor are there references to other nudist teens or youth activity outside the family.And what's up with not interviewing the daughter? Or was she Alex's playmate?I've talked to many nudist kids, and I'm also sorry to say that Alex isn't particularly insightful, he's just a regular kid. Does he excel in any particular subject? Does he have any special talents? Guess we'll never know from this report.Most nudist kids I know are extremely creative, have a well developed sense of humor and can read body language. They can look at a naturist photo and a Playboy photo and tell you the difference in what that image conveys. But there is no sign of that anywhere in the broadcast. People are so concerned that nudist kids lose something by living outside of the textile world, but why don't we show them what they gain?